
Standards and Proposed PAR Meeting Schedule on Monday March 3, 2025


Working Group Meeting
Dennis HillRecommended Practices for Electrical System Design Techniques to Improve Electrical Safety

The intent of this Recommended Practice is to address system and equipment design techniques and equipment selection that will improve electrical safety. The techniques in these Practices will be intended to supplement the minimum requirements of installation codes and equipment standards.
Risk Assessment Groups (1 Working Group, 2 proposed Study Groups)David Rosewater and Lloyd GordonElectrical Safety Risk Assessment
Stationary Battery Bank Risk Assessment
Electrical Vehicle Risk Assessment

These three topics for proposed IEEE standards deal with Risk Assessment Methods for working on Special Equipment (DC, capacitors, Battery Banks and Electric Vehicles). A PAR has been approved for (1) Stationary Battery Bank Risk Assessment, Study Groups will be proposed for: (2) Risk Assessment for Special Equipment, and (3) Electrical Vehicle Risk Assessment

Working Group Meeting
Marcelo ValdesIEEE Guide for Motor Control Centers Rated up to and including 600 V AC or 1000 V DC with Recommendations Intended to Help Reduce Electrical Hazards

Moving through Ballot, join if in WG please. WG needs to take a vote and Quorum is needed.

Working Group Meeting
Daleep MohlaGuide and Checklists for the Data Collection for Performing an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in Accordance with IEEE Std. 1584™ and IEEE Std.1584.1™ for Systems Operating at Three-Phase 50/60 Hz Alternating Current (AC) 1000 V and below

This standard provides guidance and checklists for the collection of required data for performing an arc-flash hazard calculation study in accordance with the process defined in IEEE 1584™-2018 and IEEE 1584.1™-2022 for systems operating at three-phase 50/60 Hz alternating current (AC) 1000 V and below. This standard does not include collection of data required for performing other system studies, such as a short-circuit study and overcurrent protective device coordination study. Results from these system studies are required to conduct an arc-flash hazard calculation study.

Working Group Meeting
Peter BaenGuide for Continuous Thermal Monitoring of Switchgear and Motor Control Centers up to 52 kV

Proposed IEEE Standard being jointly sponsored by the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee (PCIC) of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) and the Switchgear Committee (SWG) of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES). This meeting is to address the final comments from our Comments Resolution Group (CRG) by the voting members of the Working Committee to resubmit the final draft back to the SA Ballot Group to move forward towards approval for publication of this important new IEEE Standard.
ESafeC Standards SubcommitteeLloyd GordonESafeC Subcommittee

- Manage codes and standards activities conducted at the current year workshop whether sponsored by this committee or another committee of IAS.
- Lead the effort to initiate, develop and publish codes and standards sponsored by the IAS Electrical Safety Committee.
- Approach other codes and standards working groups sponsored by IAS to meet at the annual ESW, where the goal of that code or standard is to reduce electrical injuries.

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