
The exhibits program will be held on Wednesday, March 11, from 3-6pm.

Benefits of Exhibiting

  • The Workshop is the predominant venue to educate the electrical community on your safety-related products and services
  • Through technical presentations and interactions with attendees, you will experience the latest technologies and hear directly from participants on their safety concerns and needs. This information is of great value for future product design and marketing strategies
  • This is the best electrical safety conference for actionable leads. In a single afternoon you will have more conversations of value than you have at most product exhibitions running several days


ESW includes a “Best Product of the ESW” award that will be voted on and selected by attendees of the ESW Products and Services Exposition held Wednesday at the workshop. When registering please look for the question, which includes more information, at the bottom of the booth selection page. Indicate if your company would like to participate in this contest. 

Exhibitor Pricing

Please check back later!

Exhibitor Helper: $30

Allows admittance to the exhibit hall for working at the company both and/or access to their company’s hospitality suite. Drink ticket for the exhibit only. No ESW flash drive or attendee list provided.

For over 28 years the ESW has established itself as the industry’s premier electrical safety conference. We look forward to seeing you at the next ESW!

Your support will help us provide a quality social experience for the participants by supporting socials, meals, and refreshment breaks. Become an ESW Supporter today.

As a first time attendee, you will find yourself in the company of people who share a passion for advancing the state of the art in electrical safety. Learn More.

Get the details on how attending an ESW technical sessions can give you credits towards your continued education development. Learn More

Exhibitor Pricing Details

Exhibitor Services

Please check back later!

 If you have any questions about the Expo, please direct them to:

Kevin Warren
Expo Chair